Plenty of JOY in 2019 and New Year's Health Advice

This is my advice for your 2019 Good Resolutions:

Crowding Out

This concept truly flips the conventional belief about dieting on its head by adding more healthy foods to the diet rather than taking things away. By eating more vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, supergreens, and other nutrient-dense foods, your cravings for less healthy foods will naturally diminish. There simply isn’t room for junk food and unhealthy overeating when you’re satisfied and nourished by real food! So plan a big, nutritious, full of healthy fats supersmoothie for breakfast, a nice relaxing whole food, rich in healthy fat for lunch; and a smaller, vegetarian delicious dinner…and you will never come around to think about the forbidden foods!

You may need less protein than you think

Your body is incredibly smart, and when you starve it of glucose, it uses the process of gluconeogenesis to turn your protein intake into glucose for energy. But when you limit your protein, your body is able to use fat for fuel instead. You should be aiming for around 1 gram of protein per kg of lean body weight—the amount of weight on your body that isn't fat—per day. But not all protein is created equal. As you decrease the quantity shoot for the best quality!

The one food you need to eat for better brain health? Healthy fats.

This topic freaks a lot of people out—won't it make me fat? - they wonder. The right kinds will not, but they will provide powerful healing and support to help you feel your best. That's because 60 % of your brain is made up of DHA an omega-3 fat found in fatty fish, flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and algae. EPA is another important type of omega-3, and both of these fatty acids are critical for supporting brain function and mood, regulating metabolism and preventing inflammation and diabetes.  Good fat helps you detoxify as well! Avoid oils grapeseed, corn, sunflower, and soybean, and be sure to eliminate hydrogenated oils completely. An important tip: hen you're eating high-fat and you're not eating carbs, your body is going to metabolize that fat and use it for energy. But if you're eating carbs with the fat, your body is going to use that sugar with the carbs for energy, so then you'll just store that fat.

Constipated? You might need more fiber.

Fiber is magic for constipation. It helps to remove toxins, facilitates intestinal movement, and protects your digestive tract from inflammation, injury, and disease. Fiber also aids in weight loss and maintenance because it can curb your appetite by helping you feel full, and it helps dispose of estrogen to keep you in the fat-burning zone. Fiber-rich foods include quinoa, legumes, berries, and green leafy vegetables.

Bitter foods are the well kept secret for great digestion and glowing skin.

They activate bitter receptors on the tongue, which in turn activates cells in your stomach to normalize acid production for better digestion. When this happens, bile production and digestive enzyme production are improved as well. Proper bile production is essential for detoxifying the liver, excretion of heavy metals from your body, hormone balance, and bowel regularity. Digestive enzymes are essential for extracting and absorbing nutrients from your food. They can also help to reduce the number of unfriendly bacteria in your intestines. Finally, bitter foods also tend to be rich in antioxidants, which help to reduce inflammation.

Fermentation isn't just good for your gut—it's delicious too.

Crowd out on fermented foods like tamari, kimchi, sauerkraut and other fermented veggies. Making fermented veggies is very simple and satisfying. Find some recipes here